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Image by Bundo Kim

Modalities used

Getting to the root cause requires a naturopath to be flexible in many of the natural tools to get there.  Correcting terrain imbalances and facilitaing natural detoxification sometimes requires more than one thing.  These are some of them used by me.

Naturopathic Medicine

Also called “naturopathy” was created by Benedict Lust. Born in Germany in the late 1800′s, Dr. Lust traveled to America and carried with him initially the teachings of Father Kneipp’s water cure which helped restore his own health. In the early 1900′s, he started treating patients with the water cure and included massage. He gave instruction on this and this was the beginning of The American School of Naturopathy, in New York. His experience at the New York Homeopathic medical college, New York Eclectic medical college, and Universal College of Osteopathy of New York made him realize that all people would benefit from receiving the combination of all the methods of health care. Dr. Lust did not believe in specific therapy rather, that the training of a doctor/practitioner was to encompass all treatments that helped Nature within the body. With that belief, a naturopathic student is taught all the sciences required, Hydrotherapy, Massage, Nutrition, Phytotherapy, Counseling, Osteopathic/Chiropractic manipulation, Homeopathy, all classic medical training, Naprathy & exercise (which is now called sports medicine). Earlier, Iridology was a taught but then removed.

A Naturopathic Physician/doctor/practitioner attends a 4-year graduate level naturopathic medical school and is educated in all the same basic sciences as an MD/DO but also studies holistic and non-toxic approaches to therapy with a strong emphasis on prevention and optimizing wellness. They use Nature as their guide, and utilize the body’s natural healing capabilities. There is never a focus on disease, just the person.

In addition to the standard medical training, ND’s are required to complete 2 years of clinical training. In 1929, Naturopathic medicine was seen all across the United States and seen as a comparable degree to MD/DO in Washington DC.

Organic Eggs

Whole Food Nutrition

Apart from being in-tune with nature, what you eat and how you eat it is probably the most important thing you will do everyday of your life. Only food should supports one’s body, no “food-like” substances nor fractions of foods, this includes vitamins and minerals.

Spoons with Herbs


is the use of flowers, leaves, resins, and roots to promote the body’s healing and natural functions. For thousands of years, humans as well as animals, used the plants around them to heal what ailed them. Each plant has specific qualities that can help with specific actions of the body with little to no side effects.



Homeopathy is a gentle and natural healing system that works with the body to relieve symptoms, restore vitality, and improve overall health. Homeopathic remedies are environmentally friendly, cruelty free, and derived from natural sources.

European Botanical Medicine

European Biological medicine

is homeopathy and isopathy, which helps support the entire body and helps remove any barriers that may be preventing one from maximizing their genetic potential. It regulates internal ecology, supports beneficial micro-flora, improves immune function, supports organ/organ system function, removes (detoxifies) lifestyle and environmental blockages, and reduces the effects of biochemical stress.



Iridology is based on the scientific study of the iris — the coloured part of the eye. Like markings on a map, the iris reveals physiological conditions, psychological health risks, challenges and/or strengths of various organs and personality traits.

Through Iridology, we can get an understanding of your past, present, and potential future health conditions by assessing the various body systems. Your inherited tendencies compounded by toxic accumulations in various parts of your body are also revealed.

The Science of Iridology is based on the analogy of one of the most complicated tissue structures of the whole body – the iris.

It is a method whereby the doctor or health practitioner can tell, from markings or signs in the iris, the reflex condition of various organs and systems of the body. These markings represent a detailed picture of the integrity of the body; its constitutional potentials, areas of congestion or toxic accumulations and inherent challenges and gifts.

The four principles that form the cornerstones of Iridology are:

  1. The condition of the nerves

  2. The condition of the blood and lymph system

  3. Adequate circulation

  4. Nutrition – rest quality, breathing – state of mind

Applied Kinesiology

Applied Kinesiology

​Applied Kinesiology – Founded by Dr. George Goodheart, Applied kinesiology links the physics of body movement and muscle testing to health and healthcare. It gives licensed health professionals an additional diagnostic tool to enhance their examination skills. The International College of Applied Kinesiology offers a quality control label for AK education and research. It restricts high quality AK education to licensed professionals only and promotes an AK Certification delivered by the International Board of Examiners. Applied Kinesiology is performed by health care professionals only.

Applied Kinesiology can be divided into two distinct parts.

One is an aid in assessment. Muscle testing is used help assess what is functioning abnormally. This can be a problem with the nervous system, the lymphatic drainage, the vascular supply to a muscle or organ, a nutritional excess or deficiency, a problem with the cranial-sacral – TMJ mechanism, an imbalance in the meridian system or a host of other problems. The second part of Applied Kinesiology involves the treatment phase. here, Dr. Goodheart and others in the International College of Applied Kinesiology have adapted different treatment methods to the problems that have been diagnosed. From nutrition to chiropractic manipulation to osteopathic cranial techniques to acupuncture – meridian therapies to myofascial techniques to nervous system coordination procedures to some of the latest theories in medicine involving control of the vascular and nervous system may be employed to balance the malfunction found in the patient.

Applied Kinesiology borrows from many different disciplines and through the use of accurate, scientific muscle testing, in addition to the basic knowledge of the practitioner, helps direct the care to exactly what the patient’s needs are instead of what the practitioner does.

Contact me for more information

I am a drug-less practitioner.  I do not take insurance nor do I prescribe medications.

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